
A Wilderness Prayer: Passover to Shavuot

A Wilderness Prayer: Passover to Shavuot

Walkin' with the One. Such a relief. A prayer for the sacred count up from Passover to Shavuot. Walk with me through the barley fields.  

Tambourines of Hope: 10 Tips so Passover Doesn't Pass Us Over

Tambourines of Hope: 10 Tips so Passover Doesn't Pass Us Over

Check out my 1st published piece in Elephant Journal! Share with your people and try out at home. Would love to hear your favorite Passover Tip! xo

Passover TORAH: Water & Light to Heal

Passover TORAH: Water & Light to Heal

The fresh month of Nisan began this weekend. It's the month of Uri'el, Spring, Passover, blossoms and balance. Click the blossom above to have a special listen in to our April MoonWalk, recorded live 4/5/16. To join, go to